"Exploring Practice-Based Clinical–Research Partnerships in Speech-Lang" by Meghan Vollebregt, Lisa Archibald et al.

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Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology





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Collaborative partnerships between speech-language pathologists and researchers present an opportunity for practice-based research. For practice-based research to become more widely used in speech-language pathology, a crucial step is outlining the potential purposes and outcomes of these partnership projects. The current article is two-fold. First, we describe a model for practice-based partnerships between researchers and speech-language pathologists. The practice-based research cocreation model developed for this project includes three distinct partnership outcomes: (a) creating practice, (b) capturing current practice, and (c) changing practice. Then, informed by our model, we completed a scoping review to explore the extent and type of practice-based research in the field of speech-language pathology to date. A literature database search identified 3510 articles meeting our inclusion criteria. Two independent readers reviewed abstracts and titles to determine articles for further review. Fifty-three articles were reviewed in full and 18 of these were excluded. Data were extracted from the remaining 35 articles. Level of partnership (creating, capturing, or changing) and type of partnership (collaborative or consultative) were coded. A thematic analysis revealed that three of the 35 articles involved creating practice, 19 captured current practice, and 13 were aimed at changing practice. Of the 27 articles in which details were provided about the partnerships between researchers and clinicians, 18 partnerships were collaborative and 9 were consultative. This review offers an initial step in examining the use of practice-based research in speech-language pathology, thereby demonstrating to researchers and clinicians how they can support each other to cocreate clinically relevant research
